Tag:Hedge Funds

ASIC Seeks to Clarify the Scope of the “Authorised Representative” Exemption
FinCEN Narrows the Final AML Requirements for Investment Advisers
CME Group Clarifies and Emphasizes the Duty to Supervise Trading on its Markets
Update to the Naming Convention for Exchange Traded Products
NAPFM, AIMA, and MFA File Complaint Against SEC’s New Dealer Rule
Europe: Why Are Firms Currently Focusing on Derivatives Post Trade Reporting?
FinCEN Proposes AML Requirements on Registered Investment Advisers (including Exempt Reporting Advisers)
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Hears Oral Arguments in Industry Groups’ Ongoing Petition to Vacate Private Fund Adviser Rules
SEC Expands Definition of Dealers and Government Securities Dealers
Industry Groups File First Reply to SEC in Ongoing Petition Against New Private Fund Adviser Rules

ASIC Seeks to Clarify the Scope of the “Authorised Representative” Exemption

By: Kane Barnett and Daniel Nastasi

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has appealed certain findings in the recent decision in Australian Securities and Investments Commission v BPS Financial Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 457 (BPS Financial Decision) in relation to the scope of the authorised representative exemption. The authorised representative exemption is commonly relied upon and allows a person or entity to provide a financial service under the Corporations Act on behalf of the holder of an AFS licence without having to hold an AFS licence itself. 

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FinCEN Narrows the Final AML Requirements for Investment Advisers

By: Richard F. Kerr and Jennifer L. Klass

On 28 August 2024, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) finalized regulations that add certain investment advisers (Covered Advisers) to the definition of a “financial institution” under the Bank Secrecy Act thereby requiring Covered Advisers to, among other things, establish anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) programs and file Suspicious Activity Reports with FinCEN.  The effective date of the new rules is January 1, 2026.

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CME Group Clarifies and Emphasizes the Duty to Supervise Trading on its Markets

By: Clifford Histed and Cheryl Isaac

If you or your company trades on CME, CBOT, NYMEX or COMEX (CME Group exchanges, collectively referred to herein as “CME”), you will need to take note of CME’s new Market Regulation Advisory Notice (MRAN), which became effective on 16 July. The new MRAN is called “Supervisory Responsibilities for Employees and Agents” and should be reviewed closely to understand CME’s expectations related to diligent supervision, including policies, trainings, monitoring, remediation and sanctions.

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Update to the Naming Convention for Exchange Traded Products

By: Matthew Watts, Lisa Lautier and Dhivya Kalyanakumar

Since 2017, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has provided guidance to licensed exchanges on exchange traded products (ETP) naming conventions under Information Sheet 230 (INFO 230). This policy is designed to help ensure that admission and monitoring standards for ETP’s support fair, orderly and transparent markets.

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NAPFM, AIMA, and MFA File Complaint Against SEC’s New Dealer Rule

By: Richard F. Kerr, Eden L. Rohrer, Jessica D. Cohn, and Raymond F. Jensen

On 18 March 2024, the National Association of Private Fund Managers, Alternative Investment Management Association, Limited and Managed Funds Association (together, Plaintiffs) jointly filed a complaint (Complaint) against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleging that the SEC’s newly adopted final rule (Dealer Rule) vastly overstepped and expanded the SEC’s authority. The Complaint, which was filed in federal court in Texas, details how the Dealer Rule, expanding those industry participants who would be “dealers” under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, is overbroad and was adopted in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act.

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Europe: Why Are Firms Currently Focusing on Derivatives Post Trade Reporting?

By: Ron Feldman and Philipp Riedl

Deficiencies in compliance with derivatives post trade reporting rules have recently triggered regulator fines. Fin-FSA in Finland fined a pension fund €90K and the Central Bank of Ireland imposed the first fine on an investment fund, €192K. Although the fines are reasonably modest, they have sharpened industry focus on this issue.

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FinCEN Proposes AML Requirements on Registered Investment Advisers (including Exempt Reporting Advisers)

By: Richard F. Kerr, Jennifer L. Klass, and Annabelle H. North

On 13 February 2024, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would impose anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) requirements on Securities and Exchange Commission-registered investment advisers (the SEC, and such investment advisers, RIAs) and exempt reporting advisers (ERAs). FinCEN previously made similar rule proposals in both 2003 and 2015, which were never finalized.

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Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Hears Oral Arguments in Industry Groups’ Ongoing Petition to Vacate Private Fund Adviser Rules

By: TJ Bright, Annabelle H. North, and Bradley D. Bostwick

On 5 February 2024, the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and industry groups representing private investment fund sponsors, in the industry groups’ ongoing petition to vacate the new private fund adviser rules (PFAR) adopted by the SEC on 23 August 2023.

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SEC Expands Definition of Dealers and Government Securities Dealers

By: Richard F. Kerr, Eden L. Rohrer, Jessica D. Cohn, and Raymond F. Jensen

On 6 February 2024, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted two new rules – Rules 3a5-4 and 3a44-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Act) – that significantly expand the definitions of a “dealer” and “government securities dealer.” The new rules define the phrase “as a part of a regular business” in Sections 3(a)(5) and 3(a)(44) of the Act to determine if a person is engaged in a “regular pattern of buying and selling securities that has the effect of providing liquidity to other market participants.” Such persons would be required to register as “dealers” or “government securities dealers” under Sections 15 and 15C of the Act, respectively.

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Industry Groups File First Reply to SEC in Ongoing Petition Against New Private Fund Adviser Rules

BY: TJ Bright and Annabelle North

On 22 January 2024, industry groups representing private investment fund sponsors, including the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), National Association of Private Fund Managers, and Managed Funds Association, filed their first reply to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) response in the groups’ ongoing petition against the new private fund adviser rules (PFAR) adopted by the SEC on 23 August 2023.

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