Author:Joey Endler

CFTC Releases Artificial Intelligence Report
Don’t Bank on it: FDIC Board Withdraws Asset Manager Bank Control Proposals
Kicked Out of the Club: NFA Orders Commodity Pool Operator Not to Reapply for NFA Membership
SEC Fines Adviser for Off-Channel Communications
The SEC Narrows the Internet Adviser Exemption
Europe: Progress Update on Irish Funds Sector Review

CFTC Releases Artificial Intelligence Report

By: Matthew J. Rogers and Maxwell J. Black

On 2 May 2024, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) Technology Advisory Committee (Committee) released a report entitled Responsible AI in Financial Markets: Opportunities, Risks & Recommendations. The report discusses the impact and future implications of artificial intelligence (AI) on financial markets and further illustrates the CFTC’s desire to oversee the AI space.

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Don’t Bank on it: FDIC Board Withdraws Asset Manager Bank Control Proposals

By: Grant F. Butler and Yuki Sako

Two proposals regarding oversight of the control of banks by asset managers were withdrawn at the 25 April board meeting of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). These proposals were a result of increasing concern by bank regulators regarding concentration in control of banks by institutional investors, particularly index funds.

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Kicked Out of the Club: NFA Orders Commodity Pool Operator Not to Reapply for NFA Membership

By: Matthew J. Rogers and Benjamin C. Skillin

On 10 April 2024, the National Futures Association’s (NFA) Business Conduct Committee (BCC) issued an order against Investments LLC, a former NFA Member commodity pool operator and forex firm. The order stipulates that Investments may not reapply for NFA membership or act as a principal of an NFA Member at any time in the future due to violating a suite of NFA compliance rules.

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SEC Fines Adviser for Off-Channel Communications

By: Lance C. Dial and Pablo J. Man

On 3 April 2024 the SEC announced the first off-channel communications settlement with a registered investment adviser who was not otherwise affiliated with a broker-dealer. This settlement provides new insight into how the SEC views adviser’s recordkeeping obligations, which are narrower than broker-dealer regulatory requirements.

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The SEC Narrows the Internet Adviser Exemption

By: Jennifer L. Klass, Matthew J. Rogers, and Bradley D. Bostwick

On 27 March 2024, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted amendments (the Amendments) to Rule 203A-2(e) under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, known as the “Internet Adviser Exemption.” The Internet Adviser Exemption allows certain advisers that provide investment advice through an interactive website (Internet Advisers) to register with the SEC, even if they do not have enough assets under management to otherwise qualify for federal registration.

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Europe: Progress Update on Irish Funds Sector Review

By: Shane Geraghty and Gayle Bowen

The Irish Department of Finance has published a Progress Update on their ongoing review of the funds sector in Ireland. The review, under interlinked themes of open markets, resilient markets and developing markets, is seeking to ensure that the Irish funds sector is resilient, future-proofed, supportive of macro-prudential stability, and continues to meet international best-practice standards.

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